This conference, which schedules about 80 presentations over the whole day from 8 am to 5 pm, is highly valuable resource for
graduate students studying gender, sexuality, and women from around the world. Thinking
Gender provides a rare opportunity for graduate students by providing panel respondents who received the papers in advance of the conference and so have the time to prepare substantial and incisive comments. Senior
faculty volunteer to be respondents because they know that their participation will be helpful to the new scholars—presenters and audience—in their field. As a result, the
conference offers its participants the chance to receive in-depth feedback on
their work, in addition to generative questions and comments from panels’
audience members.
Attendees of Thinking Gender have often praised it as a
comfortable atmosphere in which scholars from different disciplines can meet to
present and discuss their work, and to form relationships with other scholars. The conference’s panel participants often
come from hugely disparate fields, but are united by their strong interest in
issues pertaining to women, gender and sexuality. As a result, the conference allows each guest
to survey work very different from his or her own. Part of the philosophy behind Thinking Gender
is that scholars from hugely different fields might, unexpectedly, come to
inform each other’s research.

Thinking Gender’s previous plenary sessions exemplify the
diversity of topics and fields:
Gender in Space, Place and Dance
Making it Our Business: Development, Coffee,
Sex, and the Workforce
Intersectionality Acts from the Margin
the His(story): Women in Film and Television.
This year, some (although not all) of the topics that the Planning
Committee especially seeks to cover in the conference include feminist research
on privacy, diversity and/or demographics in the age of big data; appetites;
gender, sexuality, and the new brain sciences, and the perils of
“postfeminism” (for more topics of special interest, please see the call for

This year, there is also a separate Call for Submissions to the Plenary Session. The topic is
"Pleasure, Displeasure, and Ethics." Is pleasure problematic? We are looking for papers on topics that concern feminist and queer studies in relation to pleasure, displeasure, and ethics. For the past several decades, feminists have engaged debates concerning, for example, pleasure and danger, “guilty pleasures,” and feminism as anti-pleasure. Clearly a contested notion, pleasure poses theoretical, and sometimes practical problems for many feminist academics and scholars. Are there “good” and “bad” forms of pleasure? What kinds of ethical frameworks are relevant to discussions about pleasure? What are the politics of pleasure facing women, girls, and LGBTQ people in the contemporary age? How is pleasure normalized and/or resisted in hetero-patriarchies? We would also like to consider the consequences of pleasure, whether in material terms (political, economic, social, industrial), or within the affective-emotional-sensorial realms (happiness, excitement, guilt, shame). We invite scholarship engaging compelling, substantive, and even provocative approaches to this subject. We also welcome intersectional analyses concerning gender, race, sexuality, culture, and/or religion as they factor into pleasurable enterprises and practices.
Zuo points out that one of Thinking Gender’s goals is to
circulate the scholarship presented there beyond the conference itself: “I hope this year we will receive the widest possible submissions from all over the world,” says Zuo. “I hope that the work that the scholars do at the conference will be recognized in the greater sphere, whether it’s through social media, or through the CSW website, or through the California Digital Library.” CSW does this using various multimedia platforms,
including the eScholarship repository at California Digital Library. All presenters can have their presentations uploaded to the CSW site at the California Digital Library: http://escholarship.org/uc/csw
Zuo also prizes the personal,
professional, and intellectual in-person communications that take place at the
conference. “It’s important to foster community, and for participants to
share one another’s work,” says Zuo. “I
always learn new things at the conference and am inspired by scholars in all
different fields and the work that they do.”
--Ben Raphael Sher
Ben Sher is a doctoral student in the Department of Cinema and Media Studies at UCLA and a graduate student researcher at CSW.
To learn more about Thinking Gender, visit http://www.csw.ucla.edu/conferences-1/thinking-gender/thinking-gender-2014.
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